Postcards From the Void #7
Glory to all, comrades!
We appreciate your ongoing commitment to our destined return to the Void and have further news to share. Reports have been received of new island designs submitted by a series of hard working Comrades. We are reviewing all recovered materials.
There has also been a historic discovery in relation to Projection Clone origins. We urge you to review this information with haste.
The Administrator
A Message From the Devs
Hey everyone,
Lots of updates to share in today's Postcard from the Void! Starting with a thank you to everyone that submitted an entry to our island design competition. We are continuing to work through the entries and have been blown away by the creativity shown in each submission. We'll share details of the winning design in a future announcement, so watch this space!
Next up, earlier this month The Tomorrow Children's Game Director Dylan Cuthbert shared more details on the acquisition of the IP and our plans for the game moving forward. You can check out the exclusive interview with GI.biz here.
Finally, today we’re sharing exclusive details from Q-Games team members Kou, Katsuko and Yutaka about the origins of the character designs within The Tomorrow Children. The team took a trip to the Czech Republic to explore how traditional marionette puppets were created and we'd love to share some of that experience with you. Check out the video below to hear from the Q-Games team about the research trip and how it helped to implement the game's visual style.
Comrades’ Voice
Previously we asked you what questions you had for Dylan. Here are some of your questions and answers!
The first question comes from Comrade LuffyRynda who wanted to know about Dylan’s process for inspiration.
Thinking up an idea for a new game is one of the hardest things about making games, but I draw upon my childhood experiences and the games that inspired me back in the 1980s on 8-bit computers. The ideas were very raw back then, so pulling elements out from there and adding in new unique elements is a pretty good recipe. The Tomorrow Children’s setting pulled from a lot personal experience, growing up during the Cold War in the UK with TV shows such as The Prisoner, and then seeing how Eastern Europe developed after the USSR transformed itself into Russia.
Next up, Comrade JavaDuke wanted to know if difficulty scales with the number of players. Here’s what Dylan had to say:
Yes, the difficulty scales with the number of players in town, as well as the level of development of the town too. It’s not an instantaneous change though, and takes a while to average out.
Ambassador XPert was wondering about the possibility of running an island without an Internet connection.
We can’t answer this yet as we are still working through things surrounding the P2P experience. The game is definitely better when played online with your Comrades!
Didn't have your question answered? Don't worry! We'll be featuring some more questions in the next issue!
We are wondering: What is your favorite song from The Tomorrow Children, and why?
Fan Art From the Void
Makoto1198 on Instagram drew this amazing sketch of the Projection Clone. We are all in awe of their talents!
Tak8sh_0505 on Twitter made this adorable pixel art. You can feel that some useful materials are being dug up right now!
Comrade Gouhou is fully prepared for the launch of The Tomorrow Children! We certainly "dig" their style!
Thank you to all of our Ambassadors for helping spread the word about The Tomorrow Children!